Monday, February 27, 2012

"Rude, Just Rude"

via @mathewbrown @unsuckdcmetro No passengers allowed to enter Dupont Circle north escalator.

For some time during Friday's afternoon rush, Metro closed off the Dupont North entrance, the only open entrance to one of Metro's busiest station as the Authority has closed the south entrance for 8.5 months to replace the escalators.

It sounds like the problem was relatively quickly resolved, but the poor reaction of the Metro employees at the scene compelled two people to write.

From Tonya:
I am normally one who gives Metro a break, but on Friday, they just crossed the line.

I'm a physically disabled person with a bad knee. I showed up at the Dupont station on my way home only to find no way to enter, but what I want to point out is the rudeness of the Metro employees at that scene.

They were not only unhelpful, they mocked riders who merely asked them why they were not able to get into the station. I have never been so insulted in my life.

For the majority of the people, I'm sure it was only an inconvenience to walk to Farragut North, but for people in my situation, it was an impossibility, yet there was not a hint of compassion in any way the Metro police and employes behaved.

To snicker and murmur insults at your customers like you were watching animals at the zoo is something beyond the pale. It's rude, just rude.

I wish I had another option to get to and from work, but I don't. I'm tired of handing over my money to these fools.

Metro used to be a real point of pride in this city, but it has sunk to depths of depravity no one could ever imagine.
From anonymous:
It was right after they opened up an escalator for people to walk down. There was a Metro employee leaning near the opening (that was a nice touch, made it harder for people to file over there) and he was scowling/glaring at passengers and appeared to be talking to himself or Metro police (they were standing behind him).

He was talking about how we couldn't just walk to another station or take the bus - had to get on this escalator.

Then the Metro policeman made a comment like "yeah - gotta to get home - always in a hurry."

They were basically making fun of passengers for being upset and not wanting to walk to Farragut North or pay even more money to take a bus to Farragut North.

It just added to a very frustrating evening.

There were a lot of angry passengers waiting at Dupont North.

They offered little or no information.

Just that it was closed and people had to go elsewhere (they offered the 42 bus or Farragut North - but gave no directions).

They also said the elevator was closed to passengers. Ah Metro - only how many more months to go? Haha.

If I treated my clients the way some metro employees treat passengers - I'd be fired.

I also liked WMATA's excuse that they must have two escalators that go up at all times. Never seemed to be a problem at Dupont South - which was lucky to have one functioning escalator - ever.
Looks like Metro was quick to place blame for the closure:

Other items:
Budget hearings start tonight (WMATA)
Metro "speed interviewing" new engineering applicants (Examiner)
City Paper blasts Metro's survey
Teen cut during Metro Center fight (WJLA)
Metro does "social media" in private (FixWMATA)
Developers eye Silver Line (Examiner)
Metro assists injured bald eagle (WaPo)