Monday, September 24, 2012

The Truth about the Fish Smell?

Anonymous says they wrote the following to Metro:
As the Orange line train entered the station this morning, the smell of rotten fish was overwhelming. The smell was not there prior to the train arriving and stuck with the train for the entire trip. I boarded car 5091 at 8:47 am ET on 9/17/12 at Ballston Station towards New Carrolton.

 I know that Mr. Stessel has stated that the problem is sewage gas leaking into the station, but that is simply not true as the smell comes and goes with trains and lingers on the trains. As UnSuck DC Metro reported, the problem is organic brake pads. Why is WMATA continuing to use the organic brake pads that make riders sick to their stomachs with the horrible smell on the trains and in the stations? Thanks.

Here's the reply they say they got:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 10:13 AM
To: **********


The fishy odor is the result of organic brake pads. Our stock should be depleted soon. We have selected another manufacturer who does not use that material causing the strong odor. I apologize and thank you for your patience.

Marjorie Strother
Rail Transportation
Customer Service Representative
Case number 732538
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