Friday, April 20, 2012

The Metro Phenomenon

Metro's slick Rush+ video premiere was certainly spoiled by news that a passenger's life might have been saved had Metro bothered to check the battery charges of its defibrillators.

I'd say I'm shocked, but I'm not. I mean look at this litany of consistent, borderline criminal honeybadgerism:
Metro reacts, they're not proactive--ever.

"Sh*t happens" seems to be Metro's guiding principle.

And you want to know why?

Because in their eyes, nothing is ever their fault.

For example, look at the language from their Rush+ press release (It's also used in the video.) They describe overcrowding on the Orange Line as a "phenomenon." (A fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, esp. one whose cause is in question.)

A phenomenon? Seriously? They must think we're pretty dumb.

There's nothing in question about why there's an orange crush. It's actually pretty simple: The trains are poorly spaced, and the headways are too long.

It's not a phenomenon. It's ineffective, lackadaisical management.

Explaining overcrowding as a phenomenon is just Metro showing that it really never accepts responsibility for anything, and really, when you boil it all down, that's what's wrong with Metro.

Anything bad that happens is just a phenomenon. The wise people running Metro had nothing to do with it. It just happened.

Frankly, I'm pleasantly surprised the defibrillator press release didn't read "due to a battery fatigue phenomenon ..."

Dan Stessel did, however, tell WUSA 9 that it was "unfortunate" the defibrillator wasn't charged.

Is that progress?

What's the next Metro "phenomenon" going to be, and who has to suffer because of it?

Footnote: Fox5 said Metro is acting proactively to check the defibrillators. Ha!

Other items:
More Silver Spring transit center drama (Examiner)